My Billionaire couch potato.

My Billionaire couch potato.

My Billionaire couch potato.

80 Chapters Ongoing Status
Last Update October 27, 2022

My Billionaire couch potato. is The Writing_Fevercreation,The novel is mainly about"You scream like a girl."I am sitting down in my living room."Do you care to explain why?"I am in nothing but a towel.I want to cry.Six men.Six men are in my too small living room and apart from the fact that they are all staring at me like theyll pick me up and throw me in jail in the next few minutes, they are huge.Hulking masses of meat and pure muscle.All of them look intimidating, and that is an understatement.There is one of them that looks more refined though.I can tell from the length of his legs that hes tall. He has them crossed and his arms are also crossed over his chest.He looks intimidating but in a different way."Hey, Im talking to you!"I blink and look at the person who just screamed in my face.He had a scowl on his face and hes looking at me like I am a miscreant."Can I know what is happening first?"My voice comes out quaky and trembling, not how I want to sound but acceptable nonetheless.I was dragged out of my bathroom screaming. Someone had the decency to hand me a Read Novel


My Billionaire couch potato. is The Writing_Fevercreation,The novel is mainly about"You scream like a girl."I am sitting down in my living room."Do you care to explain why?"I am in nothing but a towel.I want to cry.Six men.Six men are in my too small living room and apart from the fact that they are all staring at me like theyll pick me up and throw me in jail in the next few minutes, they are huge.Hulking masses of meat and pure muscle.All of them look intimidating, and that is an understatement.There is one of them that looks more refined though.I can tell from the length of his legs that hes tall. He has them crossed and his arms are also crossed over his chest.He looks intimidating but in a different way."Hey, Im talking to you!"I blink and look at the person who just screamed in my face.He had a scowl on his face and hes looking at me like I am a miscreant."Can I know what is happening first?"My voice comes out quaky and trembling, not how I want to sound but acceptable nonetheless.I was dragged out of my bathroom screaming. Someone had the decency to hand me a Read Novel

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