Weiss ~ Orion of Whiskerhelm

Weiss ~ Orion of Whiskerhelm

2 Chapters Ongoing Status
Last Update October 18, 2022

Weiss ~ Orion of Whiskerhelm is The coffeescreameclaircreation,The novel is mainly aboutThe cosmos has always been a mysterious plane of existence.One unexplored, always incomplete for everyone even for those who declare themselves God. Life is forever drawn for the matter, thus venturing into a quest for an existential resolution. Who created humans, and if it was the case, then who created the creator of humans?Surely, theres the damning rhetoric appearing here and there: regarding how and why humanity traverses from star system to star system─through the galaxies and beyond them. People continue to search for the reason we exist. Thoughts in line─not only for countless lifetimes of suffrage as the cost for the hunger of knowledge.Whiskerhelm.Astronauts ventured for the Sirius star system.As to rekindle knowledge, it is the brightest star visible to the human eye as dated in old Earth textbooks─a perfect treasure trove for curiosities.Being technologically advanced to aim for an obviously radiant place, a detached human civilization flew on their gargantuan spacec Read Novel


Weiss ~ Orion of Whiskerhelm is The coffeescreameclaircreation,The novel is mainly aboutThe cosmos has always been a mysterious plane of existence.One unexplored, always incomplete for everyone even for those who declare themselves God. Life is forever drawn for the matter, thus venturing into a quest for an existential resolution. Who created humans, and if it was the case, then who created the creator of humans?Surely, theres the damning rhetoric appearing here and there: regarding how and why humanity traverses from star system to star system─through the galaxies and beyond them. People continue to search for the reason we exist. Thoughts in line─not only for countless lifetimes of suffrage as the cost for the hunger of knowledge.Whiskerhelm.Astronauts ventured for the Sirius star system.As to rekindle knowledge, it is the brightest star visible to the human eye as dated in old Earth textbooks─a perfect treasure trove for curiosities.Being technologically advanced to aim for an obviously radiant place, a detached human civilization flew on their gargantuan spacec Read Novel