Tyranny of Steel

Chapter 655: Open Rebellion

fied immediately collapsed into infighting, as those who believed she was unworthy of such a high position used the weapons she had introduced to resist her rule.

Riyo sighed heavily as she sat in the Shogun ’s palace while she read yet another letter declaring rebellion against her rule. She poured herself a cup of sake as she drank its contents with much enthusiasm. Her snow white cheeks flushed red as she did so, giving her a rather cute appearance. After drinking yet another cup, she complained about the men who had turned against her.

”Ignorant bastards! Have I not achieved enough in life to show you my worth as a leader? If not for me, you damn fools would never have overthrown the Ashikaga clan. God damn it! Just because I ’m a woman, these idiots think I can not lead a country. Well, I ’ll show them! I ’ll show them all. If you think matchlocks are the only weapons that I can come up with, just you wait until my loyal soldiers are armed with Muratas. I ’ll kill you all! Every last one of you bastards! ”

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