Tyranny of Steel

Chapter 518: Returning From An Ardous Voyage Part II

p> ”Your baby boy? ”

It had been a while since Honoria had verbally sparred with Linde, and thus she put on a devilish smirk as she made a comment that made the redheaded beauty ’s blood boil.

”Of course, I consider all of Berengar ’s children to be my own, even if they were born to another woman. After all, no matter how much of a bitch his kids ’ birth mothers ’ might be, it is not a fault of the child. All I see is the offspring of my husband, which I hope grows to be plentiful. Speaking of which, Yasmin, you should be due soon, should you not? ”

Before Linde could respond to Honoria ’s snide remark, she had shifted the conversation to someone else, thoroughly cutting her off from retorting. As for the woman in question, she smiled as she rubbed her pregnant belly before nodding her head.

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