” Nora am home ! ” the woman shouted as they enters the sitting room

” you can have a seat over there ” she said gesturing him to a couch over the corner and he sat

” welcome mom, and who the ** is he ? ” Nora asked pointing at Kein immediately she laid her eyes on him

” are you afraid of what he will do to you when everyone is out ? ” her mom asked winking at her and she blushed

” mom stop messing around and answer my god damn question ! ” Nora shouted

” Enough Nora, language ” the woman cautioned her

” am sorry mom but who the hell …who is he ? ” she finally asked

” he will be staying with us for now ” her mom answered

” what!, you brought a complete stranger in here and you are not saying anything,are you for real ? ”

” and whats the best explanation for freaking out huh, as if this is my first time bringing someone in ” she said nonchalantly

” and you know that dad is not always happy about it ” Nora retorted and feeling a little angry and frustrated for no reason

” is our house Nora not his , so everyone gets to do his or her own business ! ” the woman said becoming angry slowly and Kein noticing the awkwardness hides his hand behind his back and make them both to go their separate ways with his ability ,Nora going back to her room while the woman headed for the kitchen

” so Kein, what will you like to take ? ” she asked

” yellow liques and memon, thats my favorite food ” Kein said excitedly

” o…. okay, but we don have that here but I will give what we have, test it and see whether you are gonna like it ” she suggested and handed him a plate of burger and an apple fruit juice

” so tell me ” she began ” have you been watching alot of aliens movies ? ” she asked seeming curious and whats she curious about? , she wanted to know whether the aliens movies showed on Netflix and other company that shows movie has entered his head that he is now claiming to be one of them.

” whats a movie ? ” Kein asked not knowing what he should answer and how to eat the strange food given to him,the woman in frustration and exhaustion face palmed and collapse on the couch

” how about your parents ? ” she asked again

” dead ” he answered shortly

” and you don have any relatives around here, do you? ” she asked sitting up excitedly because the boy is opening up a little

” am not from here ,and they are all dead ”

” what killed them ? ”

” Scavengers ” he said afterwards

” whats a scavenger? ”

” please ma you ask a lot of questions ” he said feeling tired of answering questions

” you know the condition given to me by the police men is to know everything about you but it seems like you are not ready to open anything up ” she was interrupted immediately

” they are weird animals like vultures but built like a being with wings,legs and well stretched muscles and hands filled with sharp nails that can easily tore a bone into two , they move in a numerous number and can tear any bone with their teeth and nails, from a planet called lubard, . They are ruled by a queen whos more dangerous than anything you can think of, the more planet she destroys, the more power she gets. they destroyed their own planet and from there,they started moving from planet to planet destroying each and every one of them as we are taught in class back then ” Kein narrated

” woow … thats a terrifying story, you just install fear in me, okay enough eat your food before it gets too cold ” she said as she stands up but Kein was busy looking at the burger like is the strangest thing on planet Earth

” what, don you like it ? , take a bite and see for yourself first ” the woman said noticing how strangely he was looking at the food

” mhem ” he moaned immediately he takes a bite of the food ” tasty right ? ” she asked and he nodded ” told you ”

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