but he’s really crazy.’

Yeah, but where can you find a character who appears as one of the main characters in romance novels but is not crazy?

Love is a crazy thing in itself, Grace muttered.

‘But he’ll soon be my ex-husband.’


As Grace organized her thoughts, her personality brightened a bit and her speech became more neat.

It was just that she had learned to separate the previous Grace and her own emotions, but everyone thought she was excited because of the mask festival.

‘Well, I feel light.’

Until the mask festival, Grace didn’t have much to do.

The date was being counted down every day by the staff of the annex, and the maids were thinking every day about which cloak and mask would be best for her to wear on that day.

Grace stretched her body, feeling lighter after adjusting her diet.
Maybe she could do some light exercise now? She even had positive thoughts about it.

‘Definitely, the first part of a diet is the easiest to lose weight.’

When Grace looked at Sally, it seemed that the original Grace herself didn’t have a particularly good memory.

Trying to recall all the memories of a person who originally had a poor memory, only emotional events came to mind…

It was inevitable that she would feel depressed as she kept reminiscing about the emotions of the person who had a crush on someone.

It wasn’t just any crush, but a crush of someone who had the habit of self-loathing.

No matter how many times she told herself that it wasn’t her own emotions, she couldn’t help feeling depressed.

‘Emotions are contagious, you know.’

“Madam~ How about this color?”

When Grace stopped stretching, Sally approached her as if waiting and asked her.


In Sally’s hand was a thick cloak in navy blue.

“Wouldn’t it be hot?”

“It’s okay.
It’s made of the fur of a creature called Rehton.
It absorbs heat, so it’s not hot during the day and blocks the chilly air at night.”

That’s a really convenient effect.
While listening to Sally’s explanation, Grace responded at one word.


Grace widened her eyes and looked at Sally.

“Why is there fur from a creature here?”

Unless it’s the lowest grade, fur from the creature was usually sold first at the auction house, then divided into the Mage Tower and Magic Tool Union, and finally at the dress shops.

‘Although, it doesn’t look like a low-grade one.’

The fur was undamaged and had a glossy sheen.
And such a cloak was not suitable for just a village festival.

“I happened to find it!”

“By chance?”


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