uld require a large sum of Energy Crystals to fix everything, Energy Crystals which they do not have.

Based on her current attack force, Akatziris was more or less at the same conundrum as Jiang Fei.
She could not attack them by herself and would require Jiang Fei’s help.

“The leader has succumbed to her feelings for you.
She did not want you to go and risk yourself.
That is why she had sent me here to discuss the assault team,” said Straz.
To be honest, Akatziris was also in dire need of Energy Crystals but Straz was never going to reveal that.
Instead of asking to claim some Energy Crystals, which was their goal, Straz twisted it into an offering of help.

“No help necessary! We have more than enough manpower to complete this mission!” Sylphy roared before Jiang Fei would give an answer.
Ariel and Nina were present in the room but neither one of them had the heart to be rude.
Isabella was Akatziris’ little sister and to prevent awkward discord, she chose to be quiet.
Sylphy was the only one that had nothing to lose.
To be honest, she was still pissed by Akatziris’ previous betrayal.

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Jiang Fei had no need for an alliance with Akatziris, at the moment, because he had already found other powerful allies.
Moreover, attacking this Unknown base was to only gather Energy Crystals.
It was not an attack on the main Unknown base.
Until then, there was no need for Jiang Fei to work together with Akatziris.

“What is your answer? Our leader is extending her help to you!” Straz stressed on, ignoring Sylphy’s reply.
He knew Jiang Fei was an emotional, emphatic man.
A man that bent with the gentle wind but never the strong gale.
Straz was confident that if he used Akatziris’ name, Jiang Fei would cave in.

“I don’t think I need your help with this.
As she said, we have enough manpower! Don’t trouble yourself for something this minor.”

Straz’s face was frozen.
He had never expected Jiang Fei to directly reject his offer.

“Do you not wish to think about it?” Straz pressed on.
The construction of the ship was almost reaching its fruition.
All they needed was a little more Energy Crystals! Without enough energy, the entire project would be halted.

“No need.
If that is all, I’ll be leaving now.
See yourself out.
I trust you know the way,” said Jiang Fei before he stood up and left the room.

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Straz felt defeated.
He had genuinely thought that Jiang Fei would cave in at the mention of Akatziris.
He left without further discussion since Akatziris did not give him the order to reveal about the incident about the explosion.

“Darling, you did the right thing.
I had a feeling that they were only going to wrong you again!” said Ariel when Straz left the building.
She had never trusted Straz, not since she had discovered about the secret messages he was passing around with 0542.

I also felt that way.
Let’s not dwell on it any further.
Be it the truth or not, I feel that we should just steer further from them.
I don’t think I will even work with them unless it’s about attacking the main Unknown base,” said Jiang Fei.
The more he thought about it, the less trustworthy Straz was and Akatziris’s words are.

“I have a feeling that we should hastily increase our force.
Something is coming and it is big.
I just hope that it is not an omen,” said Nina by the side.

“After this raid, I would have enough Energy Crystals to revive all the New Saint’s Guards.
After that, I’ll find a way to force them to reveal the location of the Bio-Lab!” Jiang Fei snarled.
The Energy Crystals he had was scarce, he had only used the Super Radar system for a short moment.
He managed to locate a few high-energy reading bases but not the location of the Bio-Laboratory.

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