again without any hesitation.

In the meantime, Luke flung out his knife, which instantly pierced the eye of a man two meters away.

The moment they attacked, the curtain for first class was lifted slightly, and a dark shadow shot out past three seat rows to hit another man in the head.

The man immediately passed out.

The five terrorists were taken care of, but Damon and Luke didn’t relax.
They narrowed their eyes and scanned the passengers.

The passengers were all more or less shocked, and some even cried out, but nobody seemed to be acting strangely.


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Neither Luke nor Damon moved as they examined the passengers.

As instructed by Luke earlier, Jennifer and Lopez began to calm the passengers down as they explained that this was an emergency operation carried out by police officers.

Though scared, the passengers were more or less convinced when they looked at the two silent men.

If they were terrorists, they would be yelling and threatening the passengers now.

Comparing them with the appearance of the people who had been knocked out or killed, the passengers became less suspicious.

Lopez approached Luke and asked in a low voice, “Now what?”

Luke whispered to her, “Tell the captain to land at the nearest airport.
It isn’t safe on this plane.”

Lopez suddenly thought of a dreadful possibility, and nearly peed herself.

Luke patted her shoulder and said, “Don’t worry, they’ve all been taken down, but we should get off this plane as soon as possible.”

Half an hour later, the plane made an emergency landing at Des Moines Airport in Iowa.

A tremendous number of police officers, firefighters and doctors were waiting for them.

After the passengers eagerly disembarked, the officers charged in to retrieve four suspects who had been tied up as well as the body of the last suspect.

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Elsa watched the officers lead Luke away with complicated feelings.
In the end, she sighed and told the officers hers and Luke’s identities.
Then, she was taken in, too.

Damon and Mindy were also taken away by the police with bitter smiles on their faces.

Mindy glared at Luke angrily.
She was being arrested at such a young age, all because of him! He didn’t look like a kindhearted gentleman at all now! After this, she decided to hate him.

Luke smiled at Mindy and thanked Damon.

He didn’t feel guilty about pulling them in.

If they hadn’t gotten involved, everybody might have died together.
On the other hand, it was true that they wouldn’t have to worry about being taken in like this.

Luke was delayed for three days.

Damon and Mindy were released on the second day.
They even dropped by to see him before they flew to New York.

However, they didn’t leave Luke any contact details, which puzzled him.

Mindy did seem annoyed with him, but she didn’t really have to cut ties with him, right? Did Luke really do something so outrageous? No, it had to be a problem on her end.

Luke comforted himself that way.

On the other hand, his impression of Elsa had improved.

While he was being investigated by the FBI, Elsa volunteered to vouch for him, and even contacted Dustin to have him tell the FBI about their work trip to New York.

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