m-cum-living room.
I should talk to Margo about this. 


After I finished eating a decent breakfast, I spent the rest of the morning chopping wood diligently.
The sound of the ax hitting the wood felt pleasant to my ear.
I really liked this kind of simple work that allowed me to work on an empty mind.
However, even though wood chopping was a simple job, I really couldn’t focus on it because the sweet smell of Yurina-san’s and her pleasant voice kept on appearing in my mind vividly. 

But, I’m sure this feeling of mine is nothing but a fleeting emotion. 

I, who had never stayed in love with someone for a long time, tried to analyze the situation calmly.
In the past, whenever I went to a bar alone, it wasn’t because I wanted to flirt with a beautiful woman.
It was more because I wanted to have a conversation with them.
Hence why I always choose an establishment where I could be at ease. 

It was nothing more than a mutual relationship where we both knew our boundaries.
But somewhere along the way, we started becoming comfortable with each other and our relationship turned into something where we began caring for each other. 

That’s right.
I should try visiting that place for a while first. 

Saying that I was going to that place in order to learn the language of this world, it was merely an excuse I made myself so I could meet with Yurina-san again.

I honestly think I’m really a troublesome man myself.

The older I got, the more I needed to find a reason behind my action.
I felt like it’d be so much easier if I could remain as a child forever.

Then, I started to feel restless when the time for that bar to open was near.
Just for a little bit, negative emotions and feelings of guilt started creeping up my mind. 

There he is.
The sight of a narrow minded man that you can find almost everywhere. 

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