en listened to me and delivered those words straight to Prince Heinley.

“It’s not a problem about the people, but my own, so there’s no way to improve it…”

I stared steadily at Prince Heinley, as I realized I wasn’t the only one with those thoughts.
I had believed Prince Heinley behaved without regard to what other people thought of him, but it was an act too…

“I loved being able to talk to someone without them thinking of me as ‘Prince Heinley’ or ‘Crown Prince.’ Our conversations weren’t long, but I was happy to have someone exchange lighthearted letters to.”


I was the same.
I was marked as a princess early on, and this was the first time since with my family that I felt I could open up my heart.
Not because there weren’t good people, but because “a good person” and “a person I can reveal my innermost thoughts to” were not the same.

“I’ve looked forward to those letters.
Honestly, I was even happier when I knew that my letter acquaintance was you, Your Majesty.
But instead you seemed reluctant and inconvenienced.”

Prince Heinley sighed, his eyes becoming moist.
As I faced those eyes, I felt a wave of guilt wash over me.
I sympathized with everything he said, and felt further shame.

“We had the same thoughts, but different conclusions.”

Prince Heinley looked at me with those wet eyes and sighed again, his mysterious violet irises glistening like jewels under the chandelier’s light.
There almost seemed to be resentment in his expression.
I could be his friend, or I could end it like this.

“I understand what you feel, Prince Heinley.”

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“But you still only want to exchange letters?”

“I enjoyed them.”

“Outside of letters, it will be even more enjoyable.”


“You can tell me that Sovieshu’s a son of a bitch.”



I choked when Prince Heinley tossed all dignity out of the window.
Everyone stared at me as I coughed, and Prince Heinley lowered his voice once again and whispered, “Sovieshu’s a son of a bitch.”

What kind of person…

Prince Heinley raised his eyebrows and gave a silly grin.

“There is nothing more funny than watching someone suppress a laugh.
Just laugh if you want to.


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“If you don’t laugh, your heart will ache.”

Ache? Did he have experience in this?

His smile faded, as did his voice.
For a moment, Prince Heinley stared at the floor, his forehead furrowed in thought.

“Then, can you do something for me? I’ll keep it a secret you, my Queen, are my letter partner.
And I’ll also keep secret that we are friends.”

“Are we friends?”

“Don’t you know that we’re friends, Queen?”

He gave a strange smile, then he pressed his lips together and continued.

“Instead, it can be like now.
If we meet by chance, please don’t ignore me.
And if the two of us happen to be alone, don’t avoid me.”

His voice was playful and the smile around his mouth looked light, but his gaze was serious.
It sounded like a joke, but I knew it wasn’t.

He gazed at me with those earnest eyes, and I felt a strange sensation of my heart being squeezed lightly with fingernails.

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