t the moment, so they walked there.

The commune stipulated a regular meeting every Wednesday to deal with the reports that had piled up for a week.
Two days later, on Wednesday morning, there were a few opened anonymous complaints on the long table in the commune’s conference room.

President Song looked at the letter in front and complained that the mayor of the He Mountain Brigade, Sun Wang, had used his position to privately arrange for his nephew to be the driver of the tractor in the village.
He recalled that when he and his wife went to chase after Yu Bing that day, she seemed to have seen her throw something into the letter box.

And this letter happened to be from the He Mountain Brigade.
He couldn’t help but fall into deep thought.

Director Zhao was an upright and fair person.
He couldn’t stand such actions the most.
“A village chief has to look out for the benefit of the villagers, instead of using his power to enrich his own family.
Sun Wang is like an overlord!”

Seeing this, President Song said, “We must investigate this matter clearly.
When we visit the various villages later, we will settle this matter.
We will never punish good people, but we won’t let a bad person off!”

The investigation of the report letter’s contents was usually done by the investigation team themselves.
The investigation team’s work scope was very wide.
Anything that needed to be investigated, be it official corruption or statistics, were reported to the government at all levels.

But occasionally, President Song would go with the investigation team when he was free and visit the villagers in the district to understand the actual situation.

After the meeting ended, President Song personally led the monitoring team of the commune to the villages to understand the details of the reports.

It was almost noon when the investigation team reached the village committee of the He Mountain Brigade.
The village chief, Sun Wang, jogged back to the office with the staff who had just finished work.

Sun Wang opened the office door and turned around with a smile.
“President Song, leaders, sorry to keep you all waiting.
We just came from the field.
Please sit.”

Usually, it was the village chief who went to the commune for the meeting as a representative.
The villagers had never seen these commune leaders before, so they hurriedly poured water and moved chairs.

President Song waved his hand with a gentle smile on his face.
“You guys must be tired after coming back from the farm.
We can find a random place to sit.”

Sun Wang said enthusiastically, “We’re used to working.
It’s more tiring for the leaders who run around all day!”

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