e walls and floor.
While checking for traps, Kanade approached them and started deciphering them.


“I see… So it was an easter egg after all.
Just like before…”


The reason why he had never seen anyone else taking up a combat style based on spellbooks was because, like many skills in this game, spellbooks were difficult to find by just searching normally.


And Kanade’s reason for coming to this place was exactly related to spellbooks.


The “hint” that led Kanade here was telling him that there was something here that could effectively enhance his “Akashic Records”, just like when he got his “Magical Record” before.


Kanade made sure once again that he had not misinterpreted the hints he found in those symbols and proceeded to the next room.


It looked like an ordinary submerged empty room with no furniture at all, but Kanade confidently touched one of the walls and activated a spell.


“Now, ‘Lightning Javelin’!”


The released electric shock spread all over the wall.
Kanade stood there watching, and after a brief moment, a blue spider web-like pattern started to glow on the wall, and then it split into left and right halves, slowly opening like a door.


Looks like there’s something after all.”


The convoluted hint had led him to a mechanism that would otherwise go unnoticed through normal gameplay.
Convinced that it was meant to hide something, Kanade went through the opened wall.


“The next one… it’s here, isn’t it?”


To Kanade’s eyes, the answers were written directly over the wall as clear as day.
Now that he was past the barrier of deciphering them, it wasn’t so difficult to interpret the hints.
He advanced without hesitation through this hidden route, which involved opening more walls, floors, and ceilings inside this stone building.


Kanade carved the exact directions he had taken to come this far inside his head.
He wanted to make sure that, even if it turned out that he wouldn’t be able to bring the reward back with him this time, he would be able to come here again without any problems.




After a while, Kanade calculated the distance he had traversed from what he had been able to see from the surface earlier and the room he was currently in, and as he arrived at what he estimated to be the deepest part of the building, a door with a slightly different feeling appeared before him.


Unlike the weathered building that surrounded it, the door looked particularly clean and somewhat otherworldly.


“Well, let’s see.
There doesn’t seem to be a boss here…”


The door slowly opened as he approached it with caution.
On the other side, he could see several illuminated bookcases standing next to each.
As he carefully entered the room, Kanade realized that it was isolated from the outside water, as if there was a barrier preventing the water from coming into the room.


“I see, so I won’t have to worry about that anymore.
I’ll be able to stay here for as long as I want.”


Kanade looked around the room checking for traps, and then stood in front of a table that was in the middle of the room.


A large number of puzzle pieces were scattered all over the table.
The curious Kanade naturally picked up one of those pieces.


Perhaps he would get some kind of reward for solving it.
Kanade was thankful that this room wasn’t underwater.
He imagined that he would have had to go to the surface and back to this room again several times, but without any timer to worry about, he could simply concentrate on solving the puzzle.


After a short breath, Kanade sat by the table and stared earnestly at the puzzle piece.
By looking at each of the pieces and studying the pattern they followed, he should be able to see which piece fits perfectly with each other.


Kanade ran through the puzzle with a dexterity that could not be imitated no matter how much one would try to, similar to Sally’s evasive skills.


“Are there any more hints here?”


The walls of the room were covered with bookcases, with books filling each of them to the brim.
Since they had piqued his interest, Kanade put the puzzle piece back on the table, took a book from one of the bookcases, and flipped through its pages.

“Hmm, this adds more detail to the story of the 8th Layer I found in the guild home’s basement…”


Though the settings of the 8th Layer were written there, Kanade couldn’t find anything that would directly hint to a dungeon, or anything that used the symbols that only he could read for that matter.
However, there was enough information there for him to be able to make a small prediction about the monsters and dungeons that would likely appear in the future.


Since everything he read would be firmly recorded in his head, it would be quite easy for Kanade to recall this information later.


Besides, it was much harder to get back to this room, so he thought it would be better to check every book and try to store as much knowledge as possible while he could.


“Too bad, looks like getting the next one isn’t going to be that easy…”


After reading through all of the books in a couple of dozen minutes, Kanade went back to the puzzle.
In such a silent room, the only sound that could be heard was that of the pieces clicking into each other as the puzzle frame started to get filled with white pieces.


“I already got the hang of this thing.”


Since the pieces were completely white, he wouldn’t have the pleasure of seeing a completed picture, so the puzzle was actually a bit boring to finish.


He wasn’t planning to complete it this steadily, but Kanade didn’t seem to be playing by his usual rules.




True to his statement of “having gotten the hang of it”, after being focused on it for a short while, Kanade had finished the completely white puzzle incredibly quickly.


“Phew… Now what?”


Of course, there had been no mistake in the way he had slotted the pieces in, so the puzzle started to glow faintly in front of the expectant Kanade, and a Rubik’s cube similar to that Kanade had appeared on top of it.


“Yeah, just as expected.


When Kanade picked it up, it merged with his “Akashic Records”, becoming a single thing, just like when he had obtained his “Magical Record”.
He looked at the result, checking his staff to see what was the new skill that he had acquired.


[Skill Record]

You can save skills that don’t use MP as “skill books” in your personal bookcase.
The saved skills become unusable until their corresponding “skill book” is expended.


In short, it was now possible for him to save any skills that were outside of the scope of “Magical Record”, so with enough time and spadework, he should be able to exhibit an unparalleled strength.


“Now I have something really good to report to everyone.
I wonder what they’re up to?”

Kanade left the room, thinking about the other guild members who were probably out there on the field.
Since he was now more interested in his often-unpredictable guild members than in generally-predictable items, he seemed to be looking forward to learning if the other guild members had found anything interesting.

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