uld be able to hit me.
But I only used that for the handshake earlier, and now it was turned off.


In other words, I had to hit him dozens of times, including with cheats.
However, I was walking a tightrope where even one hit from the other side would end the fight, this was made possible by the skills I have developed.


“What’s the matter, Yuusha-sama? Are you asleep already?”


“Screw you! There’s no way I’m going to let a hairless man like you defeat me!”


Still, I dared to fight against the odds.
All I needed now was for Doben to recognize my strength.




Doben took his sword and unleashed a side swipe, hitting me on the side of my head.
A chill ran through my body joined together by an unpleasant sound.
My stomach could no longer take it anymore and I finished hurling all the contents onto the ground.
At the same time, my consciousness rapidly faded into darkness.


I was prepared for this, but … this guy was tough ……………………






You awake?”


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As I regained consciousness, a voice called out to me from the side.
As I raised myself from the ground, I found that Doben, who was also sitting on the ground beside me, was wiping his sweat from his upper body.


“Damn, I guess I lost.
… Ow ow …”


“Oi, don’t take it too hard, okay? I’ve used a recovery potion, but you didn’t have one.”


“I see.
Well, that was fun.”


“Fun? Heh, that’s pretty gutsy for a hairless guy.
Oi, what’s your name?”


“Me? Ed.”


“I see.
Ed … I’m Doben.”


“Yeah, I know.
So, Doben, I’m feeling a little hungry.
Why don’t you come and have dinner with me?”




A guy, who had just thrown up from an injury, invited a guy, who just beat him up, to dinner.
Doben made a hysteric sound … and laughed happily.


“Hahahahaha! You’re a funny guy! Fine, I’ll go.
It will be my treat.
Eat as much as you like!”


“You sure? If you say that, I’m going to order the most expensive meat.”


“Order what you want.
In exchange, the drinks I will order will be paid by you, as promised, okay? What would it be…? I heard there’s a fifty year old bottle of old monkey wine …”


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“What!? Screw you! You can build a mansion with the cost of that wine!”


“What’s this? You’re a man and yet you’re going to take back what you once said?”


“There’s a limit to how far I can go!”


“I don’t have a choice.
Then, I’ll just settle for a random store on the main street,” he said.


Doben stood up with a bitter smile and held out his hand to me.
I grabbed it firmly and stood up, and no further words were needed.


“Let’s go, then! Wait.
I guess it’s not very appealing for two guys to have dinner together.
Let’s go to a place with beautiful sisters, shall we? I recently found a place with a white, fluffy-furry girls…” he said.


“What am I supposed to do with that?”


“I don’t know.
I think you should just pet them.
You hairless guys like that, don’t you? I know it.”




It was the height of tactlessness to beat with overwhelming force.
Carefully selecting and narrowing down the skills to use and adjust them so you could fight with all your power, and still lose without any major injuries.


I was not afraid of pain.
I was not afraid of defeat, and I’d done it so I could walk side by side with Doben.
Now that I’ve achieved my goal for now.


“I love the tail! I love the fluffiness, especially when their thin, long tail is all curled up.
I just can’t get enough of it!”




The only thing I could do was to smile vaguely in response to the endless talk about his sexual fetishes, which I did not understand in any way.

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