n no use in threatening him, but he had sent a video of me helping put out the fire. Anyway, the reason why Cheon Sa-yeon had Kim Woo-jin follow me was to see what kind of action I would take after a sudden change. There was no meaning beyond that.

As ordered, I would kidnap Cha Soo-yeon, and the protagonist would come rescue her. If the plan did not go awry, it was clear that Cheon Sa-yeon would cut off his interest in me again.

‘It should be like that, so there should be no problem.

Its just that its bothersome that Cheon Sa-yeon became interested in me for no reason. I decided to get away from him, so I had to find a way out from now on while Cheon Sa-yeon was interested in me… Just imagining it was terrifying.

I got out of the building where Kim Woo-jin was and immediately caught a taxi. When I told him to go to the gate of the G7 area, the driver asked with a smile, “Oh! Do you also have an ability? If not, at that G7 place, isnt there a Red Fire something or other there?”

“Yes.The Empress of Red Flames, Cha Soo-yeon. Im in the same guild,” I lied shamelessly.

“Wooow~ then whats your ability, young man?”

“Eh, Im nothing impressive. At the guild, I just process paperwork.”

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