Standing on the rooftop of Gotham hospital, Stark looked at the letter in his hands as tears left his eyes dropping on this resignation letter.

As if in a flash back, he stood there as still as a statue looking at his palm lines

”what kind of life is this crappy? I can be called the unluckiest guy in this world

”From the day he was born ,it was as if he was the incarnation of badluck

He was born with a weak body , which was very prone to sickness , He was most of the time sick during his childhood years , his mother was a single parent as his father died serving in the army ,

after that incident his family faced many financial problems as there was no monetary help that the government had promised,

his mother had to work hard every day and night while his elder brother left his school to earn money, plus his medical bills were already a headache

to make things worse his mother suffered from bipolar disorder she used to beat his older brother occasionally and after the age of 7 it was the same story for him.

her eyes never showed any love for both of them, just frustration and burden were the only emotions that could be seen in her eyes, it was more of a social responsibility that she was obliged to fulfill even if she didn want to.

seven years ago when she was on her death bed Stark was sitting besides her

she slowly gestured him to bring his ears close to her and whispered into his ears

”I regret giving birth to you, root of all hardships ” and in the next moment sound of a beep could be heard, she was gone.

it happened in a few seconds but to Stark it felt like a torcher for eternity, thousands of memories and thoughts flashed by his mind until a warm hand held his shoulders.

”what did she say stark? ” his brother asked

”she wanted me to take care of you Otis ” he replied smiling while tears trickled down his cheeks but unknown to his brother the reason of those tears was something else than what he thought to be.

but his bad luck didn stop here from bullying in high school to ragging in college to drug addiction.

After college he wanted to start a new life and started dating but still ended being cheated by his girlfriend, with his own two eyes he saw her kissing another man, when he caught her red handed there was no sign of shame or regret in her eyes.

”why did u do this to me Ella? ”

”ask yourself you dumb**!! you are no use as a man , you are broke , miserable, drug addict and neither good at that thing so just ** off, to be honest you are a sensitive man who can cry any time, in name of love you were desperately sticking to me like a leach, since my financial problems are solved now so I don need u anymore, I am not holding back my words cause your pathetic nature makes me not want to hold back ” she yelled at his already pale face

Stark was flabbergasted when he heard this, his world went upside down, three years of trust and bonding was broken in minutes, his heart started beating faster and faster and he collapsed there from shock.

next morning when he went to his office with a conflicted mind he was welcomed with gazes of people, after sometime he came to know that various rumors about his and ellas breakup were going around

some said that it was due to his drug addiction

some said that that he used to beat and abuse ella after getting drugged

some even said that he had bipolar disorder which he inherited from his mother

Stark paid no mind to these rumors but after sometime he got a call from his boss and was told to sign in his resignation so to avoid getting fired directly and save himself some face in front of others

that night Stark used three injections of hero**n and was passed out for two days straight.

when he woke up and checked his call logs he found 20 missed calls from Otis last night at around 3 AM.

He called Otis but someone else picked up the call and what that person told him next was like a disaster in his mind

” ”Otis died! ” ” he couldn believe what he heard

”is this some kind of prank? , Otis you are there aren you? don play tricks on me Otis you know what kind of situation I am in right? yo.you..youu stop messing around!!! ” he shouted

” I am serious sir, come to Gotham hospital if you don believe me and yes, plzz collect his dead body too ” that man said and the cut his call.

He quickly went to the the hospital only to find that that it was not his brother that played pranks with him,

It was his life, from his birth till now, it was actually his life, his fate, his destiny and this cruel world that were playing pranks on him.

Hopeless and miserable he walked out of the cremation grounds after wishing for eternal peace for his brother .

He went straight to the Gotham hospital

It was the same place were twelve years ago his father , seven years ago his mother and now his brother passed away.

Standing on the rooftop he started writing his resignation letter, after writing he turned around his lifeless, anemic pale face with eyes like a void towards the city view .

Stark looked at the letter in his hands as tears left his eyes dropping on this resignation letter.

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