ELBA [13 year old single child of a middle class family.


Dear Diary,

Dad slapped Mom today in work frustration. I hate him. I hate mom even more because she took his blow silently but still claims to love him. I told her to divorce him and she lashed out at me. I know, now dad will start to beat mom even more, once that he got a taste of it. Thats what happened in the neighborhood family. They moved out this month.

Urghhh.. Love is so stupid! Bunch of trash! This stupid love is going to make mom suffer. She said I won understand at this age. So I couldn argue any more. Its kinda embarrassing but I really don know anything about love between a Man and a Woman. To make mom realize, I need to know what that stupid love is. Goggle is no help. So now I have a task for this year- get a boyfriend!

GN Diary

/(^3^) /

Dear Diary,

Its been a week since my 8th class got started. I made a list of all the guys in my class. I avoided other classes so I could have enough background knowledge about the candidates. That gives me the upper hand. And also the guys from 8A are considered as junior gangsters; at least thats what they claim to be. Now I am focusing on cutting down the list to the most eligible ones. So I cut down the following guys:-

An arrogant guy

The guy who took my pen and lost it ( both without my consent)

The guy who flirts with almost half of the female population in the school

5 guys who are already dating my classmates (and I am not a bf snatcher)

Two guys whose physic doesn match my taste (looks malnouris

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