ity, and it was already a miracle that I could get not one but three A-rank soul energy reactors and other rare A-rank card ingredients here.

Not to mention three rule power generators, even a single rule power generator, was not something Susan could buy in this city or any other nearby city.

These new mechas were broken rune based, and without a rule power reactor, I could not complete them.
I could make use of the soul energy base, but this way, the whole idea behind the creation of these mechas would be lost.
Therefore Susan decided to try her luck at the black market, and fortunately, an old second-hand rule power generator was available.

A single old second-hand rule power generator could not make up for three rule power generators in three separate mechas.
Still, I could reverse engineer the old rule power generator to create three new generators using my soul pupils.

I asked Lorenzo and Luna to help me create or even reverse engineer three rule power generators, but they refused because it was not their field of study.
I did not ask Anna for help because she was more of a warrior than a scholar, but she still enthusiastically offered to help.
I refused as taking over Annas offer of support for my current predicament would be like giving a sword in the hands of a monkey.

The next problem for the creation of the mecha card was the artillery and range weapon system.
Since I was building the mechas using broken runes, I wanted to use rule power-based weapons.
But the rule-based weapons were not available in the sky blossom city market, both black and white, which meant that I had to create the arsenal for the mecha from scratch too.

The reverse engineering of the rule power generator and the creation of all three arsenal systems will be time-consuming, even with the help of three of my slave consciousness.
Time was not an issue on Annas side as she did not give one, but if I take too much time in the creation of the mechas, by then, Clown mask and Cortney will be moved to a secured location.

Since the moment Luna and Lorenzo knew about the Clown mask and Cortneys physique, they havent left both of them out of sight as if they were their precious.
And I wouldnt blame them cause the future information clown mask had was worth it.
But this also meant I did not get any opportunity to sow my calamity daughter gem into the Clown mask.

Currently, Anna and the other two are keeping watch on Clown mask and Cortney.
But once the temporary Southern Watch Soldier assigned to protect the silver beach gate dungeon arrives, they will take custody of the mother and daughter pair.
This means I will never again get to meet the clown mask to sow the calamity daughter gem into her and get her memory.
Therefore, I needed a perfect plan to complete the mecha creation before the temporary military arrived.
After considering all the problems, I mapped a plan with all the contingencies I could think of, which would help me save a lot of time in card creation.
And these three Mecha cards were how I was going to sow my calamity daughter gem into Cortneys mother.

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